Saturday, October 29, 2016

Beyond this internship – CTI

The semester is almost over and I’m finally going back home for the holidays. This module has motivated me to pursue another PR internship instead of laying around for the next four months. It would be another great opportunity if I would get the chance to work within the same industry that is aviation or tourism while the skills and knowledge from my current workplace is still ‘fresh’ in my mind. Unfortunately there is only one aviation headquarters in Seychelles; Air Seychelles-Etihad Airways, which means that the chance of working within this industry is very limited. My goal for this internship will hopefully to secure a job placement when I complete my studies in July 2017.

My internship is still ongoing after the 20 days and I am grateful that my Supervisor wants me to back after the holidays that is from March-July 2017. I said yes because I was proud of myself for getting the call back and felt appreciated for my work but now that I have time for myself, next semester will be my last and I don’t want added stress or having to juggle multiple assignments both for work and university. The past month and a half was really stressful and I found myself indulge in work and neglecting school work compared to the attention I use to give.

So what do you think I should do? Any advice on whether I should do both or stick to school?

My current pros;

·        • Work experience is of more value nowadays during job interviews
·        • Many students are part timers, I can do it too lol
·        • It is my dream industry and I love working for them

Overall I was pleasantly surprise with this module; PR Internship, from my placement to the tasks I completed and lessons learnt. I remember the first day like it was yesterday, I had butterflies in my stomach the whole morning of because I was thinking of the worst scenarios. This internship has also reassure me of my decision to be a PR practitioner and think beyond being merely an employee. The excitement of having to brag to my next interviewer about all the skills and tasks I am capable of doing, especially since some PR tasks were for international brand names such as Air Asia and Air France. This was really the chance of a lifetime to have my first ever work experience in a prestige company and I am thankful to Curtin for initiating such unit. My CV, LinkedIn profile and my professional reputation is finally starting to be of value within the PR industry.

Don’t forget to leave some advice in the comments below and all the best with the report. x 


Unknown said...

Hi Raissa,

Nice to see you manage to end your Internship and you were able to impress + getting another opportunity for the job.

So what do you think I should do? Any advice on whether I should do both or stick to school?

Personally, I think the stress of multiple assignment and this time a non-flexible time table can cripple your last semester but on the other hand it is also a unique opportunity that have been offered.

You already have the experience now and reassurance that you fit the job and hopefully you get the job at Air Seychelles and start your career after your graduation.

Good luck with your report



Unknown said...

Hi Steve

Thanks for the advice. I guess I'll have to see how the assignments via the unit outline and the first week of sem 1 year 2017 go in order to make a decision. I hope I do get accepted at Air Seychelles. Thank you very much for your words of encouragement.

All the best to you too.


Unknown said...

Raissa, Raissa!

We've all experienced the nostalgic yet happy feelings on the last on placement.

I'm glad to share in your experiences!
And I hope your internship had brought positive changes to you as an individual, just like mine did!
