Monday, October 31, 2016

Delayed post and Bittersweet Feelings about Internship

Hello readers, it's been a long time since my post is created. It is delayed due to my Internet connection at home, it was broken down on the weekends when I planned to post it on Friday and it was just working last night. So not to stretch time, let's just back to my blog post.

This few days will be the last days of remaining Internship that I will complete and also focusing my progress on the Internship report that due on this Friday. I will finish the internship on Wednesday, that is when I will send my gratitude to my supervisor and colleagues who have been helping me with my PR Internship Program.

In this post, I will talk about the service system that runs in the company. It is a software that specialise for requesting the songs by entering the songs on keyboard provided in the rooms and the song will automatically played in the screen TVs. Inside the karaoke room, it has 2 TVs for easier reading the lyrics to the songs, 1 wireless keyboard, 2 wireless microphones and 1 or 2 additional microphones with cable on it which will be plugged to the CPU.

The devices are as illustrated by images below (Inul Vizta 2015):

The songs that are available on the system is requested by our customers, we add the new songs from the radio charts, special request and also adding songs that are quite important for our business (local bands or hit singles).
The genre of the songs ranging from pop songs, R &B, EDM, rock songs, etc. The songs are not only from Indonesia, we also add songs from Western musician, Asian songs like Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and also some important songs (this is like national anthem from Indonesia).
The colour of list illustrated in the computer has changed for the past few years. At first, it was mostly blue and yellow when the company starts operating (2007). Now, it is mostly orange, red and yellow for just a change in display to our customers.
The keyboard also get improved and more simple for our customers to use it. The customers also can record the songs for karaoke purposes in their own personal use. Extra surcharge will be paid by customers to the company. I have used this service last time I visit there and it was really good to know that we can record our voices when we sing and maybe use it for entertainment purposes or just for personal collection.

That is all for today folks, I will write the new and last blog post on this Wednesday. Until then, happy reading and commenting!! :)

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