Sunday, October 30, 2016

Here I go - stepping out of my comfort zone!

The Curtin Public Relations Internship opportunity and actually, internships in general are a fantastic way to gain a broader understanding of your skills, passions and interests. Often, the biggest challenge is securing an internship that is right for you and that provides a well-rounded overall experience. 

Having completed a number of work experience roles in the past that have solely focused on event management, I was iniitally seeking an organisation that not only focused on event management but also combined public relations and that was “right” for me. This is exactly what I found!

Just one week into my internship, with the team at Event and Conference Co. So far, I have been immersed in the various task I have been provided with more practical and hands on experience than ever. 
On the first day of my internship I was introduced to the team, which to my surprise consisted of only two permanent staff members. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. However, as soon as the initial introductions and formalities were over, my nerves went away and it was straight to work. 

My first week saw me undertake a number of PR related roles to promote their upcoming event, specifically around social media. Everyday is a new adventure, new experience, and presents new tasks that both challenge and assist me in developing my skills. The company’s diverse client base has allowed me to work on a number of different tasks that are very different in nature. The internship to date has allowed me to witness first hand, the various strategies that the team uses to meet their client preferences and industry demands. I am looking forward to seeing what else is installed for me over the coming months and I look forward to welcoming any tasks that will challenge me to step out of my comfort zone. 


paige.v said...

I had the same feelings when I started the internship too! About feeling nervous and overwhelmed but eventually I found it easy to fit in with the team.
It's been good experience working on the different projects E&C Co manages to gain an inside knowledge to what goes behind the scenes in the event industry

Unknown said...

Felt the same thing when I first day of internship. A bit nervous of the unknown event that may occur. but hey after a small chat, turns out my department's team is very friendly, we just need to have the guts to try everything new as it might turns out to be beneficial for us