Monday, October 31, 2016

Internship no more :(

So now it's been a few weeks since I finished my internship and I must say that I couldn't be more grateful to have had time to complete it at The Urban List. It was a wonderful experience and definitely one that I'll never forget and take away with me on my journey of becoming a PR/Marketing professional.

Reflecting on what I have learned, the internship has made me a lot more tech-savvy and has opened my eyes up to a number of different tools that PR and marketing professionals use in the field. Who knew there could be so much out there. From the likes of Instagram scheduling to using programs such as Salesforce, ESSGeorge and even Google drive. I have become more aware with how PR professionals and digital marketers can keep up with interesting and detailed content to suit the likes of their audience. On another note, I have had great success with using Google Drive now after my internship and basically do most of my assignments through Google Docs and even my excel spreadsheets which I had no idea you could use - super handy for anyone who isn't aware!

Being at the Urban List has opened up my eyes to a world where anything is possible. Seeing what is created in the office and then it being published online to their audience and to a majority of their personal outlets on social media takes so much effort and hard work and the guys at The Urban List seriously have it down packed. To generate so much content and information even in a day like they do... seriously didn't think it would be possible. But anything is possible if you put your mind to it, right?

Apart from becoming more technologically savvy and involved, another thing I have learned is how to draw upon my personal creativity. I'm not creative at all and I believe public relations professionals need to have some sort of creative flare, whether it be in the way they write, generate content, speak etc. To be creative is being unique and different which is what drawers an audience. Definitely something I have learned during my time at TUL.

Couldn't thank these guys enough, for the endless amounts of teas, experience, food outings and of course all of the laughs. What a wonderful internship I had, I'm ever so grateful.

1 comment:

Lalo Alanis Fuentes said...

I get you mate... it feels so good when you finish the internship but I kind of miss it... jaja but as you have said it after we go out with more knowledge and experiences which I think is the purpose of this unit. The semester is finishing and I have to say I too am thankful for everything I have learnt inside and outside my internship.

Rock On Friend
Everardo Alanis Fuentes