Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The end or a new beginning ? #nearly_over #PR_internship #PR_ethics

So just like me I guess you all can now say ''Hurraaaayyyyyy!'' the 20 days of internship are nearly over or for some, already is.
That picture above, is where I spent those 20 days, thinking, creating vision and mission statements for the company, trying to bring in some new fresh ideas and of course with the advent of technology, digital marketing online had become a must to incorporate into the business with fresh blood and a whole set of ideas that could become an opportunity for the business to expand and become more innovative than it already is.
I am sad and happy at the same time, sad because this 20 days have been crucial to my whole understanding of Public Relations, a field of which I want to build up a career and now as they are coming to an end, I realize that the real work starts now. When you are a student and you get an opportunity to go for an internship, you are still growing and learning and despite calling it work, it is still a process of learning and assimilating knowledge to prepare yourself for the real world.
The end of this internship also marks the end of these 3 years of struggling between assignments, attending lectures and workshops and trying to live a normal life as well.
I am however happy because the three years of sacrifices have been worth the struggle and I can say, even if I never thought I would say that, I will miss the student life.
I must say, we have gone through a changing process, but not the change that makes you become someone else, but the type of change that makes you realize who you are, what your goals and dreams are and how to set them free and make them become your reality.
Before doing this course, I was sceptical I guess like some of you : What jobs will I get? Is there a future in communications ? What road did I take ?
Today, after making Public Relations my major, I know exactly what I want to achieve and how I will achieve them.
I must say, we are the lucky ones, because we have all the tools, knowledge and ideas in our possession to make communications the root of every business on which they should live by.
Communications has evolved and become an important aspect of an industry, without communication, there would be no understanding, no team building and no enthusiasm.
Public Relations is essential not only for maintaining a business's image, but also for making the business a fundamental example of how ethics can be applied for success and innovation.
Now the real question is: Will I get a job ? After three years of building up your mindset in the communication sphere, most of us are worried about what the job sector in Mauritius will be like specially when we are young fresh graduates ready to be employed..
My advice to you however is to learn how to work for your purpose and not just for the money, money will come and go, the ethics and values that you will leave behind will remain eternal, in fact they can even serve as an example for the generations to come.
Always remember that your dreams are bigger than your reality, learn how to use your situations to find your opportunities, whether good or bad, we all have something to learn from them, yet as long as we dream, we can achieve.
Last but not least, I want to end with a quote by Benjamin Franklin "If you do tomorrow what you did today, you will get tomorrow what you got today".
This quote is powerful in meaning and it is important for each and everyone to sit down and realize about the changes you can make, something out of the ordinary, use your PR skills to build up new strategies, use them to revolutionize the whole business world...don't be limited, allow your mind to expand and think further.

On this note, I will all of you good luck for the next big step, it has been a pleasure knowing all of you, may you shine as future PR professionals.

Kind regards,
Katherina Canarapen


Unknown said...

Wow Katherina what an inspirational post. I totally agree that we are one of the pillars of a company nowadays and this is because of the evolution of technology and society’s ability to engage in participatory culture. The more platforms they have to interact with regards to a brand, the more of value and work we as PR practitioners need to assist that particular company managing the overall brand reputation. I too finally had reassurance to pursue my career in PR, I had the passion for everything PR but now being able to make a living out of it is awesome. Are you planning on undertaking a full time job at your internship placement? If not, why?

I want to wish you all the best in your future endeavors and congratulations on completing your studies.


Unknown said...

Hey Katherina, well done for your internship. I am actually very happy to know that lot of my peers have give their best shot for this internship despite the fact that we were not really remunerated after! To add on to your doubts, OF COURSE, you will get a job, because I'm sure someone will see the unique light in your personality that will somehow help their business, so don't be too negative :)
I also felt the importance of public relations during the internship, as you say branding and reputation is mainstream in an increasingly digitised environment. I would tend to say that on our small island small companies do neglect our field but it is the core of a company whatever the nature of the business. Glad to know that you are on the right track to your dream job!

Keep it up!