Thursday, October 27, 2016

What's your plan?

Although I've completed my internship hours at Colosoul, I've decided to stay - just till I am more certain of my next move or find a job, anyway. Ironic how the closer I am to the finish line of this journey we call 'University', the more I'm confused as to what my next move is going to be. As the place I am interning at is a not-for-profit organisation and everyone working there are volunteers, I know there is no prospect of a paid job. But even the job opportunities in the PR industry in Perth is very low and limited. I actually really want to know what all of you, my fellow graduating PR students, are planning to do once the semester ends? Were you offered a permanent position at the place you were interning at? Did you manage to find a part time or full time PR job in Perth or somewhere else? Are you planning to work as a PR professional or are you going to do something completely different?

Let me know! Share your thoughts and plans :)


Sophie Muthen said...
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Sophie Muthen said...

Hi Azyll,

I find it great that you decided to extend your internship, as you've mentioned there may be no prospect of a paid job, but still all the skills and experience that you are gaining while working there will really help you for your future jobs and this will also look really great on your Curriculum Vitae. This may really help you for future job interviews as nowadays most companies are searching for experienced employees. I am also thinking about extending my internship, the consultancy in which i worked in proposed me to come back and work for them any time i wished to. I will be taking two months off, then i may go back to the consultancy for three more months as an intern or i may start looking for a part time job in a Communication agency as i still have one more semester to finish before graduating. Guess i'll see next year and just enjoy my holidays for now.
I hope that your internship went really well and i wish you all the best for the future.

