Monday, October 31, 2016

When The Bomb Drops And Shit Hits The Fan

By: Everardo Alanis Fuentes
There was a time in my internship when I got to witness something not a lot of my other classmates saw, a Public Relations Crisis. As I mentioned in my previous blog post there was a time during the internal news project in which the office was extremely tense, I was even afraid of interrupting some people or asking them for a moment because I didn’t want to be screamed at, this happened due to a crisis that hit the Building Commission. In which it was discovered that the new children's hospital had asbestos.  

When news arrived everything went into a frenzy, my boss for example started working late and working weekends, more work for me, YAY. But in all seriousness it was quite interesting being in the middle of everything preparing the CEO for interviews (I just witnessed). It's hard to explain really all that happened jaja but it was amazing for learning. It really changes the dynamic of the place when something like this happens, everyone working without interruption, tense all over, it was the perfect time for the internal newsletter to come out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Lalo,

I hope your internship has been a rewarding and engaging one.

It sounds like you have had the experience that every PR student secretly hopes for, but no one really wants - a real life PR crisis! In such a tense time for the organisation I'm sure it would've been very difficult for you to try and keep calm whilst applying your PR knowledge up until that point. As with most students, I read of the asbestos in the children's hospital and myself thought of the tactics going on behind the scenes to try and minimize the PR disaster. How lucky you are to have been part of the organisation during the time and gain invaluable crisis knowledge! Hopefully you won't have to combat any more crises in the near future, but the knowledge you've gained from the situation is surely going to aid your understanding of PR in the future.

Happy interning!

- Jess