Monday, October 31, 2016

When You Get The Internship Just Right

By: Everardo Alanis Fuentes
Hearing that I had to take an internship for my degree both excited me and scared me. As a third year student I like to think I had a good idea of what Public Relations was all about… but it's such a broad topic that it was hard for me to really know what I wanted to do, nonetheless I had to find one and I was eager to do it before my semester started, so without much thinking I started applying for the Internship.

As I mentioned before I was eager to do the Internship before the semester started and for 2 weeks I applied to countless of businesses and organisations to offer them my services… Boy was it hard to find someone who will let you do free work for them. There were a lot of people who didn’t get back to me or some that I remember quite clearly sent back some pretty rude emails… other and I thought this was kind of funny didn't return my email until last week, yes THE LAST WEEK OF OCTOBER, but as you do I didn't give up and ended up scoring 3 different interviews. This 3 interviews were in completely different fields which I liked as I had a bigger option to choose what I wanted. My interviews were with the Department of Commerce Building Commission, a Public Relations firm, and a private company that sold car insurance. Surprisingly all 3 interviews were quite similar.

So I went on my first interview with the private company that sold car insurance, this place really amazed me, the offices are located on the CBD and and the Interview room had a view over the river. This was a great opportunity and I knew I wanted to take it based on who I was going to work with and “Razzel Dazzel” of the company, as one would say the WOW factor, and at the end of the interview he offered me the position. Now knowing that I had another 2 interviews I told him I wanted to wait and weigh my options once I had them all on the table and he agreed, which as it turns out this last sentence at the end of the interview was the best one I had uttered that day. My second internship was with the Public Relations Firm, It didn’t go very well… they forgot they had an interview with me……………………. Yes…………. I was very disappointed as I wanted to give the firm a try. That was not the only reason why I chose one of my other two opportunities it was because of their lack of punctuality, “we will get back to you on Monday” they say but on Tuesday they had not gotten back and when I called they informed me they got busy and will get back to me on Friday… for obvious reasons this opportunity did not seem like a good one. My third interview with the Department of Commerce was by far the best one. For one they remembered they had an interview with me and they were extremely pleasant and happy (Amanda if you read this yes both you and Dave were very happy jajaja which is a good thing) and being my third interview I was confident and told them straight up what I wanted and when I wanted to take my internship. We had some nice conversations and I told them I had two other options to consider and that I would get back to them, later to discover this only made them want me more. One of my wishes was to work 20 days straight during the holidays, but for them that was a problem as they wouldn’t have a desk available until august nonetheless I told them to let me know and that I would take that into consideration. The next they I received an email from them saying that they had found a desk for me to start work when I wished if I chose them. This show of care and thought was decisive for me and I immediately emailed them back telling them that I would love to work for them, This was probably the best decision during my holiday period.

If I have any advice for anyone embarking in their internship is to get out there, don't give up, and trust your instinct on which opportunity to take. Not all the opportunities fit the same.

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