Hi all
I am in my second week of placement and am a quarter of the way through. I have been working on a number of tasks, some I enjoy and others no so much. I have been working hard on my marketing plan and have finished my first draft. It was really good to have the insight from my supervisors who provided me with a lot of help. They are quite impressed with my plan so far, which I believe to be a major compliment. I have developed what I believe to be very simple basic ideas that are easy for the organisation to implement.
I believe I learnt most from the evaluation component of my report. I stated that constant monitoring of an implemented plan should be conducted on a regular basis. My supervisor told me different, stating that it will never happen. She told me not to put unrealistic claims in the report or the concepts will never be evaluated. Instead she informed me of other evaluation strategies, which are a lot easier and will actually be done.
I was also assigned the task of writing an article about a new upcoming concept developed by Alzheimer's Australia WA (Dementia Champions - if your interested visit www.dementiachampions.org.au) . I am not extremely confident in writing articles for a publication and really had to think about what I would write. I have written up something and am waiting on the feedback from it.
I really appreciate the feedback we receive here at Alzheimer's Australia WA. You can tell that the staff appreciate your help. They are more than happy to give constructive feedback on any work we do. This is a good thing, as the work we do will actually be used for something. I am looking forward to seeing my article in the upcoming Milestone publication!
Hope everyone else is enjoying themselves.
Deanna Pano
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