Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Public Relations + Administration work

hello everyone!

A very good platform to be! i thought im on the holidays no more presentations. My surpervisor assigned me the task of presenting during our Normal visits to the Company by schools and the public who want to tour around our studios, Radios and Television Networks. The task increased my level of cofidence and efficient communication skills. Task took me back to school presentations including the "Pitch" that we learned last semester in PR 300( consultancy).

In PR profession goes along with good public speaking and professional communication infront of your clients and Bosses as well as the audience at large.Normally during the presentation which is done before the studio tour, i carry on the introduction which consists of company profile, who we are, what we are doing, and how. And then pass to my boss to finish up.

i also had the chance to explore other areas of PR such as Media interviews- Question and Answer document. After the interview which was carried out between our bosses and the media, i assisted in updating the script for future use. i hope my colleaque from the same college, you remember how interesting media interview was in Class; one has to be a spokesperson and one the repoter.....i remeber i was the reporter and we came up with a script before presenting in class and it was interesting.

Event plan- i was also given a task to develop a master checklist and a running schedule for most of our events of which they are so many to mention from Corporate visit to the company intranet launch( People Connect). i learned a lot in preparing for this lauch and corporate visits. this also took me back from what i learned in PR 250 at the Uni.

We also had corporate meetings which involved the staffs and bosses. This meetings builts up my skills on fulfiling the roles of planning, understanding as administrative staff, work and time management as well as managing my communication efficiently. I also acquired the skills of how the risk management team operate in the company since we ( Corporate Communication Department) had guidance and educative meeting with them concerning the company operation.

my training did not engage only doing things practically but gaining knowlege from the outsiders. all the trainees were assigned to read the article about Corporate Social Responsiblity ( CSR) on SME & Entrepreneurship Magazine by Jennifer Lee and Richard Wong. it was entitled CSR- what and How to go about It! i discovered that Social Resposibility makes a good business,is not just ethical concern. being socially responsible benefit the business or organisation further down the line.SR gives the company a great ability to do good and gain more trust from the key publics.
The best CSR comes from within the company, when members care about change for better and embrace new ideas. I also discovered the tips to embrance CSR;

  • Get Training

CSR begins with the organisation before emerging to the outsiders. The organisation must improve its employee's qualifications while improving retention and productivity areas. the employees must be ready to compete at the highest level so that the organisation gains an advantage over its competitors. ofcourse this is what i saw in my organisation, they are offering short trainings for adminisatrators and managers in order to build their skills on fulfiling roles of planning and understanding, time management and improve quality increased speed of work. They also provide training to non staff for example: Journalists Pre Entry Course

  • Charities and Good Causes

The organisation must get a charity to work with and support good cause as a way of encouraging mutual benefit through a litle relationship building.

-My company supported campaings through contributions of their media assets, this include airtime on commercial TV, Radio airtime,news announcements, interviews and appearances on talk shows. The oragnisation invest and engage in community investments activities as a way of embracing its CSR.

  • Environment Care- Recycling Papers- to be fair and honest, before reading this book i only knew about charity
" since my training i realised that there is a big connection among the organisation's responsibilities to its employees, customers, communities and stockholdres and that resposiblitycorporate citizenship and helps protect the long term sustainablity of the organisation"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, your post was very insightful, thank you. I also have found that a lot of administration work was involved as a step in the door of the public relations work. Being in PR, other members of the organisation expect you to be able to plan, present and follow up a lot better than they can, something that we must live up to to keep our credibility and usefulness :) Sounds like you have definitely been very useful!