Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hey everyone,
My placement at Cancer Council WA (CCWA) came to an end last week and I actually felt a bit sad to leave. However, I was also so pysched to get a week of holidays before uni started again! Before I commenced my placement I was not expecting to have so much freedom to share my ideas and be creative, and I am so grateful that I was provided this opportunity at CCWA. The tasks I completed during my placement included;
  • Ongoing media monitoring
  • Devising an internal relations plan to improve communication and information sharing
  • Updating their style guidelines
  • Competitor analysis
  • Editing and proof reading speeches, newsletters, and other communication material
  • Creating an online photo library
  • Helping coordinate an event

It's great that I was able to complete tasks that my supervisor has being meaning to do for years, but provided her limited time, has never got around to doing. So not only have I gained a lot from my prac, I think that I have also made a lot of positive contributions to CCWA. It was also a good feeling to apply what I've learnt over the years to a real life situation and see it take shape. Overall my experience at CCWA was really positive; I've learnt how to prioritise tasks and manage my time to ensure I meet deadlines, I've seen how an event is run, I've learnt the importance of multi tasking within a not for profit organisation and my confidence as a 3rd year public relations student has boosted.

It was also quite an insight reading everyone's blogs each week, it really enhanced my understanding of pr's role within an organisation. It's now time to start putting my report together, which I have been putting off for a while:-) Good luck to everyone still completing their placements or just about to begin, I hope you enjoy your placement as much as I did.



grace said...

Hey Chelsea, congrats on your completion of the internship! Having done the competitors analysis must certainly cut down some work for the final report! Yes, I agree that the internship has given us confidence in our work and allows us to test our skills in the real world while having a safety net. All the best in writing your final report and your future career!

Thabang said...

Hi Chelsea, i wish it could be me who have finish the internship, am already tired and i would not have a break before beginning the new semester. I think it was good thing for the university to introduce the internship thing as we are getting experience from it, we learn a lot. Am also doing my internship in a not for profit organisation, it is a good thing for NGOs for them to multi task. wishing you a happy break.
Thabang L.U.C.T. Malaysia

Thevenau said...

It's great to see that you have been able to apply a lot of what you have learned during your studies!
I must say that I did'nt have as mush oppotunities as youyget to show apply my knowlegde of the field.
The thing is that when people are used to do things a certain way during some years, it is difficult to make them change their mind and think outside the box.
But finally maybe the job of PR is about trying to change people habits and convincing them that change is good!
Congratulations for your internship!

stacey tweddle said...

Hey Chelsea,

Enjoyed reading your blogs from your time at the Cancer Council. Big congratulations for completing your internship, I'm half way through mine.

Sounds like they enjoyed having the extra hand to get the back burner tasks done!

Another thumbs up on improving your time management skills, I know that was something I use to struggle with. Sometimes when your not sure what task is more important it always pays to speak up, and make sure your completing the most urgent work first.

Catch you at uni.

Kind regards,

Stacey Tweddle - Bentley