Thursday, October 27, 2016

A life experience

A life experience

Well, after 12 weeks of early morning wake ups and long bus rides to and from the capital city, my internship experience was finally over. It has definitely been a learning experience as it has taught me what to expect in the real world of public relations.

Even if it was a challenging experience, I managed to make the most out of each day and at the end I know it will be rewarding and it will also be a good reference on my curriculum vitae.

Conclusively, I hope everyone enjoyed their placements and have taken both positive and negative experiences as lessons that benefit them in the process of becoming a PR professional!

I highly recommend PR3002 as it gives the practical experience that no textbook can teach and provides students the opportunity to apply in theory what was learnt in practice. 

I also thank all my PR lecturers for their continuous help and support.

Warm wishes,



Unknown said...

Hi Melisa, It's true that it's finally the end of tiring bus rides, this is what relieves me actually! However, when you plug in some nice soothing music in the morning, it helps to get the best energy to start your day at work, don't you think? I hope you had an amazing time during your internship and acquired a broader knowledge of public relations, because for me, it was like wearing different hats at the same time!

Cheers and best of luck!

Unknown said...

Hello Melissa,

I hope you had great time during your internship. Seems to have been a enriching and joyful experience at the end of the day for us all. Glad that you will not have to go through the hustle and bustle of the town anymore though, I know that feel right. I hope your experience will really be in great help in your future endeavours.
