Thursday, October 27, 2016

The final countdown

The final countdown

The third and final month was the busiest but yet the most fruitful as I have acquired a certain set of skills in the PR field that would certainly help me in other professional settings throughout my career path.
Honestly, I think I underestimated the importance of budgeting in Pr. When we learned about it in my PR classes, I believed it was quite secondary but my internship proved me wrong.

Some day in week 10, my supervisor asked me to assist her in getting price quotations for some clients. I found that most of the quotations were made on an hourly basis, which I believe, is a popular pricing structure in public relations.

Week 11 and week 12 were even more demanding as there was a major event coming up. The 23rd ICCA Congress would be held in 3 months and there was a lot of preparation to be done. The conference was internationally recognised and was a first-time event in Mauritius. Hence the preparation was even more meticulous and stressful.
Together with assisting my supervisor with her daily tasks, I continued working upon my daily article transcriptions, which I believe I can master by now.

As the final day of internship was coming, I felt quite nostalgic as I was thinking about getting back on track for the coming third year at university after three months in the world of Public Relations.

However, while I was melancholic to leave, I do believe that this experience has taught me a lot and prepared me more for my professional career.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Melisa,

Thanks for pointing out the topic of budgeting. I totally understand where you're coming from, as you have pointed out budgeting is also not something I thought much about as it was quite secondary. When you're just writing a report for the sake of a report and it's not to be implemented in real life, not a lot of thought process is given to it until we actually have to implement a budget in real life.

Thanks for sharing this and goodluck with your future career!

-Azyll Paculanag (Curtin, Bentley)