Sunday, October 30, 2016

And The End: Dodge For a Cause!

Event day, stress, fun and a whole lot of event. For those of you who may not have organised an event yet/before, warning! It's not for those who get grumpy with little sleep. It is a L.O.N.G. day and usually a L.A.T.E. night the night before too! Thankfully our event was based during the day which meant we didn't have a late night following the event. However, if you can't dodge a wrench, you can't dodge a ball and that was the exact approach we took to this event. We had our volunteers, the BBQ and tournament schedule, we even had the GOLDEN WRENCH - the trophy of all trophies (on our limited budget it was actually a plastic wrench spray painted, but everyone loved the idea of claiming it and being dubbed the winning team!

The day went off without a hitch, well there are always minor hiccups, but if there is one thing I have learnt about events, there is always a solution to the problem and getting stressed about the situation does not help find it. #Advice keep calm, remember what the goal of the event is and focus on the bigger picture rather then little 'flaws'.

The response and feedback from the event was outstanding, with people asking where they would be able to volunteer to assist with things like this and that the day was entertaining and well organised. People knew exactly what the profits were going towards and winners were happy with their prizes. I suppose you might all be wondering if the event achieved its goal and I am proud to say it did! We raised enough money and interest, we will be looking to put the event on next year and make it an annual event for ODATWA! This was such a high note to end my official 'intern' period on, I have now taken the role of volunteer at the organisation as it has been such a rewarding experience for me.
Remember the 5 D's of dodge ball dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip Marianne!
Currently studying Events and PR and could use all the tips I can get my hands on.
Stressing can be my forte sometimes, so just need to remind myself, that yeap, hiccups do occur, but your right, there is always a solution!

- Dharshini

Unknown said...

Hey Marriane, it seems that you really enjoy the Internship for PR at the company you are working for.
I hope you earn some valuable lessons from the Internship and will be useful for future careers in PR or related departments.
Good luck for your assessments.