Monday, October 31, 2016

Event Management

That was fun!

I never realised for a second that planning an event would consist of so much work, the behind the scenes were quite different.

As I am interning in an advertising agency, the public relations department is also consisted with an event management one. Our clients are always asking the agency for more visibility, which I believe is quite fair and realistic. This event on the other hand was made for one of our most loyal clients, thus having so much in stake. My supervisor also felt the need to include me with the event coordinators in order to gain more experience, which I wouldn't contradict. I believe that being open to new perspectives are always welcomed.

We then started planning the whole on-going process of the event, which meant contacting the mall we were going to rent, the hostesses who were going to greet the guests and planned for something fun; Mascots. Being in constant contact with all these people were quite vital for this event to be a full success.

The day was finally here and went early in the mall to help in the whole setting up process, see what were missing and also direct the hostesses on what were expected out of them. I believe that those two consecutive days were the most painful ones for my feet. Walking all the way round the mall was quite tiring, but needed to be done. After full reflection, I do not regret doing all this as the event went perfectly well.

Such an experience gave me the incentive to add an event management unit to my mass communication degree as I believe that, yes it is tiring but the price of a successful event surpasses this thought of one being tired. I personally did thank my supervisor for including me in this project as I would never have thought that event management would be something that I would have appreciated.


Unknown said...


I feel you enthusiasm when you talk about the event you attended during your internship. I felt the same when i went to my first event, knowing all the hard work behind all this and realizing that the event is a success is quite a reward.

Hope you enjoyed your day :)

Unknown said...

yea, couldn't agree more with you, event management is such a cool task to do. From the planning stage till the execution, it is such a thrill as everything needs to be perfect, yet we always on standby to react on every situation that might occur outside of our planning. Glad to hear that you like this kind of task too. Well next time might be more challenging, yet it will be more fun to handle.