Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It feels so great to be entering the last week of semester! I finished my internship last Thursday, and now I can finally see the end of the road.

My last day at Cannings Purple was amazing! We had a morning tea with pastries and muffins, followed by a quick speech from one of the managers thanking me for my time there. I followed with my own thank you speech, expressing my gratitude towards all the staff and for the wonderful experience they had given me throughout my placement.

Despite it being my last day, I still worked on projects and fortunately, went out with a bang with a writing task I thoroughly enjoyed. BCG has released their own company Bulletin magazine, designed to share the stories of the company’s projects, events and employees. I was to write three articles that were going to be placed over a two-page spread of short pieces. My first piece was on BCG’s participation in the City to Surf event, followed by a piece on the recent collaboration between BCG and Industry Gold Group. Both pieces were kept to a 60-word limit. The third article I wrote was a 200 word piece about BCG’s Development division, and the new Paradis Apartments that had just been completed at Alkimos Beach. I look forward to seeing these pieces in the Q4 December edition!

Reflecting on the semester, I did find it hard trying to juggle the internship, writing the report, keeping up with my other units, work, and all the other stressors that life throws our way, but I’m glad I did it. I learnt so much from the internship, not only about how PR runs in the corporate world, but also several skills such as working in an office, the importance of developing strong relationships with clients and how to juggle a number of tasks. I am looking forward to working fulltime and earning an income.

Congratulations to everyone for getting through the semester and completing their internships! Judging from all the posts, it sounds like all the students had a wonderful experience and learnt a lot.
The world of public relations is definitely getting a better run for their money these days, as it has become an integral aspect of many businesses. I believe we are all going to do well, there is some amazing talent at Curtin.

To those of you graduating, best of luck for the future, and again, well done for making it this far.

Ciao everyone!

My desk at Cannings Purple

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