Monday, October 24, 2016

Got to meet the second in charge of The Urban List - Awesome!

Coming into the final days of my internship, I was lucky enough to meet the second in charge of The Urban List, Prue Bauer. She was hilarious and so passionate about her job and her position in the company. Prue is in charge of overlooking group partnerships at The Urban List. The Perth Urban List office was about to be under construction as it was fairly new and needed booths for personal meetings and over course other office-y things. Prue had flown from her home town of Brisbane to Perth to negotiate the layout of the new office and of course to check in with us Urban List folk on the west side.  

It was great meeting her and hearing her stories on how the Urban List came about. Her partner is in fact the director of The Urban List who's name is Susannah George and leads the Brisbane Urban List team (where it all began). It was great to hear about the development of the Urban List and how it became what is was today. Susannah George was the daughter of a third generation entrepreneur and has had the opportunity to work all over the world such as Paris and LA. She studied at the QLD University of Technology and studied abroad in the US at UCLA and onto Harvard Business School. 

Food is always a huge agenda at The Urban List as everyone who works there lives and breathes food! So of course we got to go to lunch to one of the yummiest dumpling houses in Perth. This was a great way to interact with Prue on a greater level and away from a professional environment. She was very helpful and spoke to me about the importance of content in a marketing and PR situation. Her words were 'content is key'. It is a very true statement as in todays day and age, readers are going to be intrigued with your content if it is different, engaging and unique. People get so bored reading the same old thing. This is where I believe that the Urban List have succeeded as their content is fresh, unique and different.

Working at the internship has opened my eyes and has made me much more aware of how important it is to post content that is different and that is engaging.

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