Monday, October 31, 2016

Hitting a Home Run - How to Finish Your Internship On Top

I'm writing this blog post from my internship desk, on the second last day of my placement. To be perfectly honest with you, I'm devastated to be leaving tomorrow. I have enjoyed my internship immensely, all the while learning invaluable skills and making important connections for my burgeoning communications career. But before I move on to the next stage of my career, I thought I'd write about how I plan to make the most of my last precious hours here at Perth Theatre Trust. Maybe some of these ideas will help you too!

1. Maintain momentum
With a finish date looming, you might find it tempting to 'slack off' - why start any new projects when I probably won't have time to finish them?? Although this idea has crossed my mind, I am determined to at least maintain, if not improve my supervisor's opinion of me. Taking on additional work and ensuring any ongoing projects are finalised before 4:30pm tomorrow is my #1 goal.
2. Write a progess report
So you've taken my first point of advice and started some new tasks you haven't had a chance to finish? Write up a progress report for your supervisor so they know exactly where you left off - don't leave them in the dark. And here's a bonus tip for anyone starting out - practice this every week, especially if you're only in the office a few day each week. This will allow both you and your supervisor to keep on top of things, and at the end of your internship you can look back at everything you've achieved.
3. Schedule a formal debrief with your supervisor
Feedback is a crucial part of the learning process, so schedule a formal debrief with your supervisor. This will give you both the chance to discuss the internship and any areas which you can improve on. It's also a great opportunity to ask for things like references or LinkedIn recommendations.
4. Say thank you!
This one seems like a no-brainer but it's probably the most important tip. Leave a lasting impression by thanking your supervisor and the team you worked with on your final day, and follow up later. As tomorrow is Melbourne Cup day we're already having celebratory lunch as a team, so my baked treats won't do the trick. My plan is to have a bunch of flowers delivered to the office on Wednesday or Thursday with a thank you card - it's something the whole team can enjoy in my absence.

Good luck to any new internship students completing their placement over the summer break, and for all you students like me completing their degree in the next few weeks - go get those jobs!!!

- Kimberley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Kimberly,

So glad to hear you have had what seems like only a wonderful experience in your internship.
Some great tips on how to 'wrap-up' things between you and your place of intern. I feel point four- 'schedule and formal debrief with your supervisor' is something all interns should take on board. We have learnt the importance of feedback throughout many of our PR units across our degree, and i feel this tip is not only beneficial to us, but the supervisor, company and the university!

An exciting time for all graduate ahead!
Good luck on your journey!
