Monday, October 31, 2016

ME.... as a new member of the agency

During those first few weeks, I was being quite the shy guy who only responded when he was supposed to. Trying to make a good impression was something that was on my mind since I started my internship. All I wanted to do was for the staff to like my work and my personality, as I wanted to extend my internship. Days went by, and I started getting more and more comfortable with the others. Going out on lunch breaks, grabbing some fast food and returning back in the office to have lunch with all the others became a routine for me. The environment that Maurice Publicité has is more lively than I have ever seen in any other company or organisation. I was even called by my supervisors to be less serious and more "chill". Only to say that being lively and full of joy it what the company has been promoting to its staff members, thus allowing me to futher open myself to the others.

Regarding the assignments that were given to me by my 2 supervisors, I really enjoyed working on drafting press kits. These particular activities were being taught to us in our early Public Relations classes where I had to go back to my previous notes to get the samples. Going back and researching was not that fun I might say, but I believe was really important to me in order to present a valid and proper work to my supervisor. As I said earlier, my ambition was also to make contacts and be accepted in the organisation, and providing quality work would only help into getting the odds in my favour.

These particular press kits were moreover made for one leading cosmetic brand. Looking at the name itself made me realise how lucky I was to even be able to work with those clients. I however might also add that I was really stressed, presenting something to your supervisor which might end up in their client's website would only stress you even further. All I wanted to do was for her to appreciate my work, and teach me how such press kits are done in the real world. What you learn in the university and what you are taught at work is very different. Being able to learn new things or even improve yourself is what
we all are supposed to do, as learning is a never ending process.


Unknown said...

Hi Dharmesh!

It is very true that learning is a never ending process. Firstly because there is so much to learn and secondly, because when you finally learn what you needed to know - it all changes! I liked reading that you were told to be more "chill." I think it's great that you went into your internship with a focussed attitude, knowing what you wanted out of it. Does this mean that you are a new team member because you did so well that they wanted to keep you longer? If so, congratulations! That is really good news and it is great to hear that there is such a lively culture within your company. I hear that happy employees are more productive :)

Best of luck with all your time there,


Lalo Alanis Fuentes said...

It sounds like a great place. Its always nice to work somewhere with a light atmosphere. During my internship I had the opportunity to work during a crisis and the whole dynamic changed it became quite serious and cold, good experience but I defenetly think that its best to have a good fun work environment.

Best of Luck,
Everardo Alanis Fuentes