Monday, October 31, 2016

WAMFest and the crazy that goes with it...

WAMFest is one of the biggest WA music events every year. It is a four-day blowout celebration of WA musicians, professionals and musical industry leaders. Each day has a set agenda and is tailored to within the business, public or both. 

Day one, the WAMAwards, is a night in which, celebrates and congratulates the top bands and solo acts that have hit the stage within the last year / released music. A night full of celebration and thanks. 

Day two, the first day of the music conference WAMCon, with industry speakers (internationally, nationally and locally) talking about their experiences, giving guidance and just relaying their thoughts on the WA music industry. This also involves 1-on-1 ‘speed dates’ and lunch.

Friday night includes, ‘FRIDAY SHOWCASE’. One of the biggest nights for those that love live music. Selected venues across Perth holding showcases of the best talent there is from all genres.

Day three, the second day of WAMCon, industry speak continues and so does the mingling. From there, ‘SATURDAY SPECTACULAR’, a night of eleven venues across WA with 50 plus acts performing and all for free.

The last night of the mega event is ‘Sunday Best – Parlour’. This is probably the most interesting of all nights. The month leading up to WAMFest, people across WA nominate their houses, backyards, front yards, lounges to host a gig, with musicians from any genre, serenading audiences in this initiate setting. The perfect way to wind down or wind up the weekend, however people want to play their cards, the weekend.

IN THE OFFICE…In the office, it has been a mad rush getting things organised and promoting these huge four days. Days have manly been filled with social media posts, taking crazy pictures for these posts, media releases, updating event pages and helping to put together the event itself. 

A sample of a few tweets, Instagrams and Facebook posts I worked on:
[Twitter Post]
[Twitter Post]

[Instagram Post]

[Instagram Post]

[Facebook Post]

A few handy tips in which I learnt when it comes to promotions:  Posts would go out certain times of the day for certain platforms. Thus posts are created in advanced and scheduled. This would be so the public would not be inundated with posts every moment and traction won’t decrease (people won’t get bored). This point was proven, when another fellow music organisation (will not name names) would post quite frequently on Instagram. Each post would only get a few ‘likes’ (about 5 or 6) as there were to many posts being sent out for any information to sink in. Compared that to WAM’s traction on Instagram, they would get a range from 80 ‘likes’ to 10 ‘likes’.

 Hootsuite is used a lot, and definitely something I had to get use too, as shift+enter (soft enter, which is what I normal would use) automatically sends posts out. A lesson I learnt very quickly!

Another handy tip: Stagger promotions leading up to an event. The use of the same image is ok, but just vary the language, therefor the post would still have some sort of familiarity to the viewer and would be like a reminder to them yet still fresh. This rather than looking like more information for them to digest, . Not only this, the use of ‘boost your post’ on Facebook is extremely handy. Granted you do have to pay a small price depending on how far out you want to spread the news, but leading up to an event, this is very handy.

As well as this, creation of a spreadsheet of all contacts from different industries to use for future purposes. I realised that a few things where a bit all over the place with some contacts and this had to be condensed. One my tasks was to create a spreadsheet of all photographers and their contact information, all artists and their contact information. If this was created earlier, would of made things slightly with various tasks, but now we have learnt our lesson.

These small moments aside, there are some crazy antics that do go on behind the scenes in preparation, but we’ll leave that for another time….


Curtin Bentley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dee,

It sounds like you've had an incredible experience during your internship. It must have been wonderful to combine your passion for music with your degree and really apply all of your PR knowledge in such a vibrant, artistic industry. Congratulations on all your hard work being put into WAMFest's planning! I hope the event goes off with a bang and is incredibly successful.

I completely agree with you regarding social media posts! Timing is so crucial and there's a fine line between being an overbearing presence on social media and not posting enough to engage publics. This modern age is tough! I've also found scheduling social media posts to be most effective as you can really plan your content in advance and make sure it's polished as well as targeting time periods that are most relevant and spacing posts easily.

I hope the remainder of your internship is just as great as it has been thus far!

- Jess