Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Adaptability is key!

Hey Everyone,

So by now I hope that I am not the only one that has realised that being out in the real world is all about being able to adapt.

The reality is that whilst we have been taught a lot during our three-year degree by some really great tutors (suck-up moment), if you are unable to adapt and be flexible you will struggle out in the business world. Whilst I definitely understood this would be the case and it didn’t come as a total surprise, I think what did surprise me was exactly what I would have to be flexible about.

Now you’re all probably really intrigued and imaginations are running wild about what I could have possibly had to be flexible about, but nonetheless it was writing a media release. Strange right?

Anyway, I feel like we have been taught over and over again how to write a media release, about the inverted pyramid, syntax and so on. So here I was sitting at my desk at my internship having been asked to write a media release, not just a media release for the website and social media distribution but one that will help to form a pull-out in the Sunday Times!

Now I was really excited for this opportunity, and it seemed like a great chance to apply what we have been taught throughout PR foundations and techniques, what I learnt though is that there is a lot to be desired for personal preference and technique. I wrote what I thought was a pretty great media release (given I hadn’t written one recently at all), and don’t get me wrong I knew there would be a few mistakes!! 

When I received feedback from the Communications Manager she said that she liked the content and for the most part the structure as well, but there were a few things she had requested be changed. They were small things to do mostly with the direct and indirect quotes. What she did tell me though that these were just small things she had picked up in her time writing media releases for the Sunday Times that she knew were of personal preference for them and that everyone you write releases for will always have something to say about the format and style, because everyone seems to like it differently, just to keep you on your toes!

All of this being said, I have definitely reflected upon the necessity to not only being able to adapt, but also to be willing, because sometimes we do just get stuck in our ways be them right or wrong.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Laura!

So glad you're enjoying your time with Tourism WA and you're learning a lot whilst preparing for your gala dinner.

Congratulations on being able to write a media release for the Sunday Times! It must be an incredibly overwhelming experience to have that much pressure on your writing but I'm sure you aced it. I definitely agree with the flexibility aspect of writing. Most organisations have their own writing style and specified format so I've found that adapting my own writing style, whilst difficult, has been necessary. Hopefully you get some more great opportunities to showcase your great skills.

I hope the rest of your internship is as fantastic as it has been so far!

- Jess