Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I Made It!!!

This week is the last week of my internship, it is so crazy to think how quickly the time has flown! My 20 days at Professional Public Relations has come to an end and it has been an amazing opportunity. In this final blog post I’m going to reflect on my time here at PPR and the things that I have learnt.

My first few days at PPR were a little scary. I’d never worked in an office/corporate environment before and wasn’t sure of my place in the firm. I tried not to get in the way of what people were doing too much and I wasn’t sure of how to approach people to ask for work. Fast forward 20 days and I’m super comfortable here now and have settled into the organisation well.

This internship has definitely been a big change for me. I haven’t done a lot of full time work over the course of my time in employment, so having to be up and in the office by 9am everyday was a change in itself. Combine that with my lack of experience in a corporate setting and the fact that I haven’t had to use the knowledge I’ve learnt at uni thus far for anything other than exams, it shows how much progress I needed to make at the start of the internship. But I’m here! And I made it! J
I somewhat expected all of the work I had learnt over the course of my degree to be in the back of my head ready for me to just pull out at any moment when I needed to, but it wasn’t like that at all! I definitely had to relearn a few things, and for some of the things I could remember I needed to increase the level of standards from what I had learnt. There were a few occasions where I needed to redo some of the work to increase the standard, but the best way to learn is by learning from your mistakes!

I would definitely recommend doing an internship to other people who haven’t done one yet, as it provides an insight into the kind of work you’re going to be doing if you pursue a career in that field and gives you some experience being in that setting. It’s crazy how much difference it can make by doing a few weeks of interning, both to your knowledge of the industry and also to your confidence.

Holly Armstrong

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