Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Adulting during this internship - CTI

This post is about things I find myself doing differently ever since this internship initiated. I am an international student, living on my own hence I know the daily mundane routines of the stereotypical ''grown up''. This infographic presents an overview of the professional routines I've grown accustomed to during my internship hence shaping my adult self.

1 comment:

Sophie Muthen said...

Hi Raissa,

The info-graphic that you did on your adult ways for the internship is really interesting. It shows in a fun and interactive ways some tips to manage in the business world. I think that i would keep that in mind for future use as i think that those guidelines could really help me on my next job. The advises about being thick-skinned and interact with anyone are two that i can adhere two as in the Public Relations and Communication industry i was often faced with tough criticisms online, face to face and on the phone and i had to learned to take it all without flinching or loosing my calm. I also had to interact with a lot of strangers, which is perfectly normal in the communication field, and it taught me how to remain friendly and approachable whether the circumstances. Again great post Raissa, i loved it! Hope your internship went great.

