Thursday, October 27, 2016

The key to success

As we prepare ourselves for our final week/s of our placements, we shouldn’t consider this as the end, but as the beginning of a very challenging and rewarding career. The conclusion of our internships, and for many of us our degrees, is not the closing of one door and the opening of another. Rather, it is the key that enables us to unlock the door to our future career.
I truly believe that the knowledge and skills I have developed over the past 15 or so weeks have provided me with a solid foundation as a PR professional. I now have a taste of what the real world is like, and I can’t wait to get the full experience. I now have a strong ability to work independently and take initiative, I have developed my interpersonal skills as well as got a tremendous amount of writing practice. 
One of the most rewarding outcomes of my internship is establishing a connection between theory and practice. I’m sure I am not the only one who has found that some things are exactly like what we learn at university, but often best practice isn’t always used. A prime example that I encountered at Alcoa is the use of social media. I don’t think there is one of us who would agree that social media isn’t important in this day and age, right? And that’s why I was shocked when I learned that Alcoa of Australia don’t have any social media accounts or actively manage its online reputation. I was even more surprised when I discovered that introducing social media into Alcoa’s communication mix is currently being pitched to top executives, who are largely against the idea. This made me realise how difficult it is to convince top level management about the importance of public relations activities, and that you should never assume that basic best practice concepts are easily adopted. 
So as we begin to unlock the door to new opportunities, we must remember that this is only the beginning. We must continue to develop our skills and abilities, learning from our mistakes as we go. This is the only way that we can continue to open more doors for ourselves and continue to grow as PR professionals. I wish you all the best of luck in your future careers and hope your experience has been as rewarding as mine.




Unknown said...

Hey Danika,

I totally understand you with the conflict of ideas. I've been in a similar situation and as much as I wanted to push the idea, at the end of the day they get to call the final shots.

Interning for such a big company sounds scary and exciting at the same time.

Goodluck for the future! It truly is just the beginning :)

Kimberley Diane said...

Hi Danika,
It always shocks me when any company operating in the current digital climate is yet to adopt social media management. Particularly a company as large and controversial as Alcoa - it's not like they don't have the resources for it!
Luckily for you I suppose, what a great recommendation you could make in your report. Just remember to include stats and best-practice examples - numbers talk, especially when dealing with the higher-ups who often have no idea what it is we PR people actually do!
Best of luck,
- Kimberley