Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Debriefing Sessions – The Catalyst Towards Attainments

“Debriefing, the reflective activity following an experiential learning exercise, has been identified as the most important part of simulation learning and is also important for learning in other activities.” (Reed 2016). Contiguously, debriefing also known as brainstorming is of paramount significance in
the razzle-dazzle world of corporate communications as it acts as a spur towards promoting effective PR.
Correspondingly, during my internship days at CREAD – The Idea Company, debriefing sessions were the DNA’s of the company every morning right before the repartition of the works. From 09.00 to 09.20, an open-conversational collaborative approach does prevails and it is often amalgamated with some glitches which stigmatises PR more than ever as a complex subject with heterogeneous ideas. Somehow, in my case, it was only during the second week of my internship which I became familiar with this modus operandi which enabled me to express freely without any hassles and measles. EVERYTHING is being discussed within the round table and they are often grounded on:
  •  Depressurizing working tensions.
  •   Engaging in a two-way symmetrical communication.
  •  To eke out the SMART goals and objectives set.
  • Assessments of PR campaigns.
  • Be knowledgeable about the benchmarks of the day.
  • Classification of the work load.
  • To spread a lovely working environment.

Henceforth, from a PR standpoint, debriefing is the exemplification of understanding and enhancing the lacunas and qualities of corporate communications proposed by a company to further improve visibility and effectiveness in the eyes of the audiences. 

Debriefing Sessions at CREAD - The Idea Company

Reference List
Reed, S. (2016). Identifying Learning Acquired During Debriefing. University Of Nevada, Las Vegas, Proquest Dissertations Publishing,, (10147465), Single.


Unknown said...

Hi Shephalie,

It sounds like CREAD are very good at using debriefing as an evaluation tool. I found it really interesting that you said you debrief at the beginning of everyday however see that it would be invaluable in ensuring you stay of track with PR campaigns. I'm sure engaging in such activities on a regular basis would make sure that you are optimising your chance of success!

Debriefing is something which isn't completed so regularly in my internship organisation, as far as I know, however I can see from your reflection that it is clearly very useful. I think any organisation which doesn't debrief on a regular basis could really benefit from this!

Unknown said...

He Shephalie,

I find it very interesting that your company does have their debriefing sessions where you are able to express any issue either internal or external. From where I am, it is more likely to be about the clients' needs and wants and not so much about what are the staff personal issues in regards to their work.

It is also a positive thing you debrief every morning, from this any head of department will be able to assess whether there is something wrong or not with their co-workers. And thus might help to improve it, the best way they can.

Sharone Morin said...

Well! that's very great your company use evaluation as an important tool. I am sure that debriefs at the end of each day help you in many ways, there wasn't such things at my placement and i think it would have help me in assessing my own performance.
Debrief and evaluation are important aspect of PR and i think all companies should adopt this.
Lucky you!

Unknown said...


Hello Annika,

Cread is indeed at debriefing and this major tool acts as a medium that help them to progress because everything is being discussed, especially if an issue is cropping up. As a matter fact, PR Practitioners know how to handle their weaknesses and everyone round the table will give in their respective ideas to see how a specific issue can be handled.

It eventually acts as a smooth-running process for the betterment of Cread

Shephalie Nursimloo

Unknown said...


Hey Dharmesh! thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions on this related topic. Indeed, it is interesting in virtue of the fact that even introvert people can voice their opinion and get accustomed to other projects which they are not handling. At the end, everyone is aware of their clients' demands and queries. It becomes a morning ritual to kick the day off in a positive mindset, where no doubts and questions remain pending.

You are absolutely right to say that Head of Departments know the standpoint of their team members and acts as the bulb in case of queries.


Nursimloo Shephalie

Unknown said...


Hi Sharone !

It is indeed a plus point for any company who implements the debriefing session every day or at least twice a week. We might take this lightly but, debriefing sessions can actually act as the backbone of any organizations which want to be in line with their clients' demands and to stand out from the crowd. Without any doubt, debriefing helps in self- assessment and allows you to know your potential strengths and weaknesses

In our next job placement or job itself, we'll implement this tool to bring in the light for any company in the shadow!


Shephalie Nursimloo