Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Let's take a look back... what a semester!

If you're reading this, you can probably emphasise with my excitement at finishing off what has proved to be an incredibly busy and challenging semester- and year! I have just come off the back of completing my second internship for the year and I feeling both nervous, sad and excited- all at once!

As I walked out of my internship today, I started to think about all the fantastic opportunities I have been given the chance to get involved with and all the new skills and memories I have added on to my bank of university experience- these experiences in which I hold very fondly and ones that I hope will encourage me to make new mistakes and experiences as I enter into the world of full-time work-scary! Although the transition from student to PR professional may seem daunting, I can already notice a difference in first-day Georgia at her internship, to final-day Georgia who is walking out of her internship confident and ready to take on the world!

If you've been following my blogs this semester, you will have been given a small insight into my experience at Place Activation and you would have read about my tips and tricks for being a fantastic intern. So, what else have I been up to during my internship?

I have attended a number of Place Activation events, including the Creative Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and hung out with roaming magician, Jono Strange- all held on campus, how cool!

I hung out with George, Curtin's Therapy Dog on Get Loud day and I even got to contribute to Curtin's community art canvas.

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s and staff are at home and everyone is welcome. 
I have loved every minute of my internship experience- and it has been far from normal! I have gone from working in an office in the morning, creating spreadsheets and powerpoints, to heading down to an array of campus events, like participating in a performance piece in a sea container!

My internship ride has been a crazy and exciting one, with a few challenging moments of self doubt too. I could not be happier at how my semester has gone, and I'll treasure my time with Place Activation for years to come.

I wish you all the best with your final days of internship, and good luck for those of us still scrambling together our reports...!


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