it has been 20 days since I started interning with the Tourism Council of
Western Australia and what a 20 days it has been. There have been highs and
there have been lows but all I can say is wow, what an experience.
the office on my first day felt really strange. Well actually I didn’t enter
the office I entered a conference! I only knew one of my colleague’s names and that
was the general manager, so naturally she was busy do lots of other things.
Thankfully though everyone knew who I was, although to this day that still
seems really strange, and they all welcomed me with open arms.
track a few months down the track and I waltz into the office comfortable as
ever, always stopping to chat with a few people about their weekends or how
other tasks I know they are working on are going. To me I seem unrecognisable
from that first day, where I seemed really shy and quiet.
have had an incredible time during my internship getting to learn so much about
the industry and meeting some great people along the way. Thankfully though I
do not have to say goodbye to the team just yet as they are hiring me for 2
more weeks before I go on holidays to see out the event I had been helping to
organise as a part of my internship.
2016 Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards Gala Dinner has become somewhat of “my
baby” whilst I have been interning. Along with my supervisor, a lot of hard
work and tedious meetings, phone calls and emails have gone into it and it’s
going to be incredible to see it come to fruition. This Gala Dinner is one of
the highlights of the tourism industry each year and with the awards in their
44th year are one the most prestigious tourism awards in the state.
The awards submission process in the lead up to the Gala Dinner spans across
about 6 months with submission workshops for entrants, draft submission
reviews, site visits, submission judging, deliberation day, finalists announced
and last but not least the gala dinner, all in all being a very long few months
for not only the entrants but also the staff and judges coordinating it all. So
I guess my excitement to see it all come together after my three months with
TCWA is nothing compared to my supervisor who spends all year coordinating it
all, but nonetheless we both can’t wait for the night!
wish everyone the best of luck with finishing up the semester, with final
reports and any exams you may have! I also hope the job hunt is kind to you all and that the real world is made a little less scary after having experienced it through your internship!
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